Sunday, January 29, 2012

Black Blood of the Earth - Funranium Labs

Concentrated coffee goodness - this order was 1000 ml of Kona, 375 ml of Ethiopian. Annnd - new Molly Crabapple label for Funranium Labs, the Ineffable Goat of SCIENCE! The lethal combination of coffee, science, art (and a goat) finally pushed me to the point of no return, so I put in my order.
New Art:
This is the first test of liquor and BBotE: 1 part Compass Box Orangerie and 3 parts Ethiopian. The evaporating alcohol seems to improve the transport of the oils in the coffee concentrate, and the coffee flavor masks the straight alcohol taste and brings the orange to the fore. Further experiments as they happen.
Funranium Labs Store:

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

For Perihelion 2012: The CME


Reformulated and renamed Death From The Skies in honor this year's closest approach to the Sun:

Coronal Mass Ejection
Prep Tang & Tonic: 1 Tbsp. Tang dissolved in 4 oz. tonic water
2 oz. Malört
1 oz. Campari
4 dashes Angostura Bitters
Mix in pint glass, top off glass with ice, stir.

Posted via email from Lens of the World