Thursday, December 6, 2012

LinkedIn Invites

I'm adding science & skeptic contacts from other venues to my LinkedIn account, as a reference for what skills I can offer. Primarily this is for volunteer & pro bono projects, but I'm also looking at future paying positions. Just a heads up for folks who may be wondering why I'm sending connection invites.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012


4 oz coffee
2 oz bourbon
1 oz dark maple syrup
1/2 tsp bacon syrup (max 1 tsp)

Fill a 20-30 oz cocktail shaker 1/4 full with crushed ice. Add ingredients in listed order, shake thoroughly (at least 30-60 seconds). Pour straight into pint glass without straining. If you've done it right, what you'll get looks a lot like a freshly pulled draft stout. The foam is really stable, you may need a spoon to finish it off.

Bacon syrup: Available via Torani or World Market.